In the 2023 fall edition of the Journal of Americans Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), Doctors Peter A. McCullough and Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos led the proposal of 3 natural substances that could detox COVID-19 spike proteins from the body.
Spike proteins are the protrusions found along the outside of COVID-19, giving it the crown-like appearance that earned it its name, Corona studies have discovered these spike proteins in the blood samples of individuals struggling with Long Covid.

Long Covid is a condition where post-COVID symptoms can linger for months or even years. Some of the symptoms of Long Covid include brain fog, shortness of breath, chronic pain, chest pain, fatigue, and various effects on organs.
The World Health Organization established Long Covid as the continuation or development of new symptoms three months after initial infection, with symptoms lasting at least two months. 10-20% of people infected with COVID-19 experience some level of Long Covid.
Exact numbers are still uncertain, but about 17 million people across the WHO European Region may have experienced Long Covid in the first two years of the pandemic.
When COVID-19 infects the body, it penetrates human cells with small spike proteins that break into pieces. However, in the cases of Long Covid, these spike proteins are still intact as one large piece.
While the spike protein is not necessarily to blame for all the symptoms of Long Covid, it could be a marker released because some cells are still infected with lingering COVID-19. However, it is essential to note that in other cases, these spike proteins are very much to blame for some serious health effects following a COVID-19 infection.
The American Heart Association found that these spike proteins activated the natural immune response in heart muscle cells, damaging the heart. The three substances proposed by the AAPS for potentially detoxing these spike proteins were Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin.
1. Nattokinase
Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from Natto, a traditional Japanese meal of fermented soybeans. Natto has long been a staple of the Japanese diet.

Reports have shown Nattokinase as an effective tool for breaking down fibrin in the blood that might build clots, reducing high blood pressure, and even working as an alternative anticancer treatment.
More recent studies, like the ones reported in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, found that Nattokinase could degrade the spike proteins, thus making it a protective agent for cells.
While Nattokinase appears to be relatively safe for usage, there are some warnings when using the substance. For example, while Nattokinase effectively degrades COVID-19 spike proteins, it can also degrade other essential proteins of the human organism. Nattokinase can also increase the risk of bleeding in patients using blood-thinning drugs.
2. Bromelain
Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in a pineapple’s fruit and stem. For years, Natives have utilized the pineapple plant for medical benefits, including digestion.
Today, Bromelain is recommended as a natural alternative for pain, swelling, osteoarthritis, cancer, muscle soreness, burn treatments, and even range of motion.

As it pertains to COVID-19, Bromelain has the potential to alleviate COVID-19 symptoms, such as cough, fever, and pain, as well as blocking the infection of cells by spike proteins.
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3. Curcumin
Curcumin is a spice that has long been used for treating ailments such as inflammation, anxiety, arthritis, oxidative conditions, metabolic syndrome, hyperlipidemia, and muscle soreness.

In the past, curcumin has been shown to be effective in its fight against influenza, hepatitis viruses, herpes viruses, human papillomavirus, and human immunodeficiency virus.
Studies now show that curcumin blocks COVID-19’s spike protein binding sites, preventing entry into the cells and thus reducing viral replication. It’s not recommended to take curcumin supplements as the body has a hard time absorbing the ingredients.
Too much curcumin could also cause kidney stones. If you want to consume curcumin, consider incorporating the spice into your meals instead. Combining curcumin with black pepper increases the body’s absorption of beneficial compounds.
Important Note
It’s important to note that this report by the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is still preliminary and will require much testing before any of these natural substances can be officially dubbed “spiked protein” detoxes.